Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mon Anniversaire Mesaventures

Got ready for a hot date with my love.

Cleaned up puppy poop.

Friends watched Kids (sleepover) so Hubby & I could celebrate 9 year anniversary.

Ate at Tokyo Japanese Steak House.

Seated with backwoods people that surely must have been extras from the movie 'The Hills Have Eyes'.

Laughed at people.

Went to Goodwill.

Laughed at Goodwill undies on sale.

Went to Coffee Shop & ate the Good, the Bad, & the Delicious.
Laughed at ourselves.

Went to Redbox & picked up some movies.
Went home. Watched 1 and 1/2 movies.
Cleaned up puppy poop.

Friends called at 1:30 AM.

5 y/o not sleeping & crying for mommy.
(Similar melt down shown here.)
Drove 45 minutes to pick up kids who were happily eating cereal, drawing & watching TV when we arrived. At 2:15 AM.

Laughed at our kids.

Drove 43 minutes back towards home & 3 blocks from our house we drove over an out of commission railroad track and blew a tire on our totaled car.

Went bumpity-bump-bump 3 blocks home and parked our hop-a-long car at 3:12 AM.

Laughed at our car.

Tucked kids in bed & finished 2nd movie.

Cleaned up puppy poop.

Happy 9 years darling.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our new Poop, I mean Pup.

Meet our new puppy Gus!  Isn't he a sweetie?  We have totally fallen in love with him.

It's been nearly 20 years since I had a dog & I have soooo missed it.  My hubby has dog/cat allergies, but we found one that doesn't seem to bother him the way most others do, although I think I may have scared him into getting the pup b/c I always joked if anything ever 'happens' to my hubby the first thing I will do is go out and get a dog!  The last couple of months he's been researching what kind of dog he might be able to tolerate & Eureeka! We found the Cairn Terrier.

Being that it's been 20 years since I've been a puppy's master, I had totally forgotten all about the hard work of breaking in a puppy.  Its been about 3 years since I potty trained my youngest child and doggies are different than babies in that they deposit their lovelies at any given spot & any given moment.  Voila, puppy poopy surprise!

Have I mentioned that Hubby can't feel his feet due to some nerve damage from surgeries + his diabetes?  Well, puppy went missing for 5 minutes, so hubby went to find him.  Moments later, he bellowed from the bathroom in agony!  I jumped up & ran to the rescue and  there he was with one foot in the air and lovely puppy poop all over the bottom of it!
He had accidentally stepped in some puppy poop and tracked it all over the bathroom floor & rugs before even realizing it was on his foot b/c he couldn't feel it!  I of course who  always laugh at the wrong times immediately exploded into laughter!

Hopefully it won't take long to get Gus going right, if you know what I mean!

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Have Super Powers!

You've heard the phrases 'choose your words wisely' and 'what's in a word'?  I know the power of words.  And I think that's why 'words' (writing) has become so important to me.  According to the Bible, there is power of life and death in the words that we speak. 
Proverbs 18:21 
  • Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life). ~ (Amplified Bible)
  • Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose. ~ (The Message)
I don't touch on or go too deeply into certain areas of my background very often because it is painful and a bit revealing, but I am a product of a home that had some definite dysfunction going on.  And if you knew me very, very well growing up, you might possibly have known that secret, but probably didn't.  We hid it well.  Our family motto was like the Vegas slogan.  We literally were told 'What happens at home, stays at home'.

Even now, it's extremely awkward for me to share this because I almost feel as if I'm betraying my family.  But let's be honest family, what happened, happened.  And we were affected.  I never faced any physical abuse myself, but there was definite verbal and emotional damage done over the course of my lifetime.  And to this day I battle inwardly with words that were spoken or yelled or cursed at me and have lingered and echoed in my head for many years.  And I am 1.5 years away from turning 40.

Let me also say that I love this person.  This person that said these things.  For years.  For hours at a time.  These occurrences were as far away as I can remember into my formative pre-pre-teen years.  And as close as just a year ago.  I love this person, and I continue to work on this relationship at a slow pace, with pauses and sometimes with fear and dread.  And sometimes I become paralyzed for a little while and don't know how to communicate.  And sometimes I swallow very hard and pick up the phone and call this person.  And tell them that I love them.  And speak life over them.  Because I do.  I love them.  And I want them to live, in the fullest meaning of that word.

That's why it has become so important to me to choose my words carefully before I speak.  Before I discipline my children. Before I disagree with anyone.  Before I say something about somebody else or even about myself. Because just as in the Message version of Proverbs 18:21 (above), I must make a choice each time I open my mouth.  Am I going to give life to someone?  Or am I going to give death? 

And there's a flip side to that as well!  In regards to the words that were spoken over me.  Those words that linger in my head and torment the way I think about myself.  Now that I recognize what was happening to me, that death was being spoken over me, that my thoughts and my perception of who I am was being poisoned, I have to repose those questions.  Am I going to choose life and redefine who I am according to what God's word says?  Or am I going to choose death and accept the curses that were spoken over me?  It may be a daily struggle I face, but daily... daily I must face the words in my head and I must choose life.  I am who God says I am.  I am above and not beneath, I am the head and not the tail, I am blessed and not cursed!  

And today, I choose to use this Super Power that God has given me.  I choose to speak life over my husband, my children, my family, my friends, and yes dear reader, YOU!  Whether you believe in prayer or God or the power of words or not, know that you have been covered in it today.  May you be blessed today and know the power of your words! 

Redeeming Love

* Not written to seek sympathy. I’ll be honest. Father's Day has never been my favorite holiday. I would stand forever in the Hallmar...