Originally published April 27, 2008:
It's amazing how my brother impacted so many with his life in only 35 years. He had a dynamic personality: he was one of those people that drew you in the moment you met him. He stood out in a room full of people with a charisma that was bigger than life. He had a hunger to reach out to people who would then immediately become his friend. He made a difference in their lives by making them feel valued and important with even just a few simple words. He was so many things. He was opinionated, he was hilarious, he was passionate, he was musical. He had absolutely no pretenses... he was Gerald.
Who was Gerald Meggison to you? Was there a poignant moment you remember or a life altering conversation? Was there a side-aching laugh until you cried memory that you will never forget? Was there a quiet time that he was just there for you? Was there a time that he taught you something?
I would like to gather your comments about Gerald for the next few days and make a memory book for our immediate family, Gerald's wife Amy and Gerald's children. Please take those flashes of his life that are captured in your mind and translate them into words so we can create a written legacy for his children. Gerald has a beautiful 4 year old daughter… Alana and a 2 year old budding musical genius… Ian. These babies need to grow up knowing who their daddy was, not just to them, but to all of you.
I devote this blog with much love to my only little brother… Gerald James Meggison.
Joe Escamilla: I was Gerald's boss during his short time at Ford Credit. The first day I met Gerald he and I talk at length about music, religion, family, life, and death. Every morning I would ask him how he was and he would reply without fail, "Every day above ground is a good one". Gerald was the most good natured of people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I could listen for hours when he spoke of his wife and children. The man loved without pride. He touched everyone who knew him. Everyone that knew him loved him. Gerald had a passion and zest for life that so many of us tend to take for granted. Watching him play guitar at the Across the Street Bar was amazing. His love of music was tremendous. I remember him telling me that he wanted to be an author as well. I learned much from Gerald. This life is not about what you accomplish, it's about who you touch along the way. He touched many I am sure. My thoughts and prayers go to him and his family. Take care buddy.
Brian Dotson:
* I remember when Maria and I went to visit him at the hospital in Salisbury right after he'd had some work done on his pacemaker... We went into his room and there were all these monitors and he kept goofing off and intentionally breathing really hard which set off alarms and kept the exasperated nurses running in and out of the room - he'd just grin and say "And while you're in here, get me a pizza - double pepperoni!"
* Maria mangled his name once when they first met and accidentally thought he said his name was "gerbil" - the nickname stuck! Man -heavan just got a wonderful new resident in Gerbil!
* He loved God, loved to make you laugh and sometimes even squirm a little! I remember when he met a Pastor I was serving with a few years later - the conversation went something like this:
P - So Gerald, did you grow up in church?
G - Yeah my family was very involved when I was a kid...
P - Really - what kind of church did you go to?(A mischievious grin forms on Gerald's face and an odd twinkle sets in his eyes - he sees an opening...)
G - Um... ahh.. the American Standard Church...(at this point the Pastor smiles, nods knowingly... then pauses realizing he's never heard of this denomination - which is probably understandable since Gerald just made it up: American Standard is a toilet and shower maker!)
P - I'm not familiar with that movement - what do they believe?
G - Well they do have some different beliefs - you know like instead of Jesus dying on a cross, they say he slipped in the shower and rather than wearing crosses they prefer soap on a rope...
The stunned Pastor then looked across the room and said "Yes Dear, I'll be right there" and excused himself (BTW - his wife was not in the room!)
* Then there was the time when Gerald and I climbed into a car after spending and hour in prayer together - we were determined to follow the Holy Spirit's leading in the everyday little things, sure in our conviction that God had all sorts of little Divine Appointments that we miss each day because we simply are afraid to listen and act on those little nudges from the Spirit. So we're in my old beat up VW, driving all over town stopping at intersections and praying "God, right, left or straight?" It was hilarious - we'd sit there until we had a sense of where to go and these cars would be honking at us to hurry up! We finally ended up at a bakery of all places. We went inside looked around - felt bad about not really being there for their business so we each picked up a little minidonut pack and a drink. As we paid and walked out to the car, Gerald said "I dunno - I think we missed something..." I looked at him and said "Well, I found the little chocolate donuts on isle 3..." He rolled his eyes and said "No - I mean a God thing not a GUT thing!" We went back in and stood in line to get back up to the cashier. Gerald looks the lady in the eye and says "I'm not here to buy something, just to tell you that God says you are at the right place, at the right time." The girl started crying - Gerald turns and says "Oh great..." It turned out she'd just came here from Germany and promptly been dumped by her new boyfriend, felt all alone, homesick , and was now questioning if she should have come to the US at all. We got to pray with her and left the bakery feeling more full and satisfied than if we'd eaten everything in the store!I hadn't spoken with him in the last 5 years or so. Life had gone on, he'd moved out of state, got married started a family, you know, all the usual stuff as life moves on. Today I got the email that Gerbil had been called home. He's seeing firsthand the One who always carried and guided him down here. I envy him a little in that - but there's a lot of us down here who are probably smiling a bit as they remember the indelible mark he made, and noting how the world's a little different today. Thanks Gerbil - it was a great ride - see you there - save me some little chocolate donuts!
Nicole Benton: I remember your brother, he and I went to school together. It was a shock and extremely sad to hear that he passed away. You were exactly right about him in this blog. From the moment I met him he and I had a special friendship and he did that to I think everyone he ever met. He did make you feel special and even though he and I had very different opinions on things, I so valued what he thought and said. He was sooo funny too. He could make you laugh till you spewed. I'll never forget a time in I think it was English class that he and I wrote a 2 page list of every possible slang word for throwing up that we could come up with. I don't even know why I remember that. He was so special and I know he will be missed terribly! I know he was an awesome musician, friend, brother, father, husband, and a just all around good guy.