Sunday, January 25, 2009

Simple Sunday.

Have you ever wanted or longed for one of those simple, uncluttered, uncomplicated days? A day without having to rush here and there to pick up more toothpaste or toilet paper? A day where you could just sit back and relax and enjoy the things that are, even in the midst of some things that aren’t? Today is a day like that. There are still things that need to be done and that I am going to do, but for right now I am selfishly settling in for a few moments of soaking in a simple Sunday.
I’m relaxing on my comfy bed, enjoying the extra layer of a quilt I bought in my college days. My husband is napping beside me and I can hear the voices of my 6 year old and 4 year old happily playing Barbies & Transformers in another room down the hall. The fan is whirring and my tummy is full and I am wearing my favorite comfy slippers that my sweetheart bought me for Christmas. Sounds perfect doesn’t it?
Of course I’m not going to mention the dirty dishes that are calling me from the kitchen, or the trash that needs throwing or the last few pieces of laundry that need to be neatly tucked into their drawers. No, I’m not going to think about my long to-do list or my shoes that I forgot to put in my closet last night. Right now, I’m just going to enjoy these simple pleasures and the perfect imperfections of today. I’m going to twirl my toes in a clockwise circle because its comforting in this moment… ahhhhh. A simple Sunday. What could be better?

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Redeeming Love

* Not written to seek sympathy. I’ll be honest. Father's Day has never been my favorite holiday. I would stand forever in the Hallmar...